Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Voice After the Vote

I would never tell you who to vote for or shame you for your vote – even if different than my choice. Why? The Bible does not clearly point a finger toward the perfect person to make decisions for our country. Despite this truth, our votes are cast and being counted. So now what? The media seems to encourage a state of chaos and panic, but as believers we are called to practice our faith and remain calm during a storm.

The Bible does tell us God can use anybody – no matter our opinion of them or the sin they have committed. Paul killed another man, as did Moses. They committed murder and still God chose them to carry out His promises and purpose. Despite these immoral men’s hard and angry hearts, God used them. No matter their disbelief or doubts, God used them. Even though they gave God a bad name, God used them. We should not judge by what we think we know and see because it is only a snippet of truth. God sees into the heart of man. 1 Samuel 16:7 encourages us not to focus on what we see because the Lord looks passed all we perceive. Even more powerful, God can change the heart of man. He did it for Jacob. Jacob was a man who from the very beginning of life displayed deceitful and dishonorable ways of living. Only to be transformed and used by God to save His chosen people.

So why should we listen to the media and begin to freak out? I rather think political leaders today are no different to God than the first man who made a mistake and all that followed.

Tonight I rest knowing things will be okay no matter the results of this election because God is still in control and Jesus sits at His right hand.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will prevail. – Proverbs 19:21

I don’t want to diminish the anxiety or even fear growing from this election. I do not want to allude or foretell our President will become a completely changed person because of an intervention of God. After thinking of how God has chosen and used immoral men, I also think of how anxious and uncertain the people must have been with Caesar in control. So much fear must have encompassed them when Pontius Pilate ordered Jesus Christ to be crucified. The heartbreak they felt when they saw Christ beaten, spit on and mocked seems crippling. The distress they experienced when they saw the blood flow from each thorn pushing into His skin must have been unbearable. Inconceivable reality must have frozen them as they witnessed Jesus lifeless on the cross. But look how that turned out! Even when man’s sinful ways seem to wreck an individual or even a country, God suffers no damage. His Kingdom does not collapse. Over and over again God has reclaimed what is His. Today, tomorrow and all the days that follow are no different.

Our country is in need of prayer. As a believer, your voice in Heaven
is never too young, poor or undeserving. 
The truth is we don’t know the outcome or how the next four years will go, but looking at God’s track record, we don’t have all that much to worry about. Don’t falter in faith because of one election. Stand firm in your faith because God and our Savior sitting next to Him are just as powerful no matter which sinned filled human sits in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is not The Throne. Satan may have his little wins, but don’t let them overpower you or destroy your faith. God will have the ultimate victory. Turn your focus to God. Worry not and pray a lot.

People are watching your reaction in the days to come. Your voice after your vote can be heard in Heaven in the form of prayer. Your voice to others will help shape the way others around you move forward after the votes are counted. Your voice is driven by your thoughts and the love in your heart. Pray for wisdom, self control and respect for others no matter how fast your emotions may run. 

God, I pray a simple yet heavy prayer tonight. Please show your power and control in love and grace during this unsettling time in our lives. Amen.

Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. –Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)