Friday, November 6, 2015

Poking Old Wounds

     The other day our son poked one of my husband's open wounds repeatedly. It rubbed, or should I say, poked Jeremy the wrong way. It was not as if it was an accident, it was followed by laughter and did not feel good. It hurt actually and made a healing wound hurt all over again.
     Our deep emotional wounds are just the same. No matter how the pain was generated, the damage can always hurt when provoked. Just like a car involved in an accident sustains damage and undergoes repair will never be the same, so the pain in our minds and hearts will never be the same after inflicted. We may be able to hide or make improvements to overcome, but no matter the work and change, the tenderness can resurface. Buried is not always dead. Hidden is not always lost.
No one wants to be poked.
     We are called to love one another. Not poke the wounds that make them hurt again. When we know the pain others have endured, we are not to take the knowledge and use it against one another and continue poking for more agony. When anger is felt and displayed, there is something immersed provoking the anger. We are called to help one another stay afloat, swim and get out of the water. We don't have to be held captive and drown because of the weight of our wounds. When love is going around as it was designed, others should not feel they are poked, rather accepted and respected in our presence. We can't be prideful and selfish to prevent loving others above ourselves.
     Grace, mercy and humility are desperately needed. Thankfully we serve and walk with a God full of grace and mercy. Thankfully we have the examples of Jesus to demonstrate and show us humility and love. Thankfully we have the Spirit to help us with the things we know we can't do alone. Thankfully we are loved just the way we are.
     Lord, help us demonstrate more of your perfect love to others - even when it is hard. May we learn to demonstrate Ephesians 4:32 to be more Christ-like in a fallen world. Amen.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! Our own wounds definitely teach us compassion for others.
