Monday, November 16, 2015

What is Comfort?

     Understanding and knowing how Satan works is essential to Christian living. Satan takes us places we don't want to go. He gets in our minds to control our thoughts and actions. Satan gets up close and personal. He watches us. He lurks in our presence and sets temptation traps to distract us. He makes the things furthest from God a hot chocolate that warms and comforts us on a cold windy day. He wants his ways to seem comfortable and satisfying. He tells us God's ways are too hard with no reward. We believe him because it is easier to think poorly of ourselves, others and difficult situations. It is easier to run away from the truth then to stare it in the face and boldly seek God for comfort and solution.
     My weakness of fear and doubt can stop me dead in my tracks without knowing or realizing. The amount of intentionality and purpose to avoid these traps seems overwhelming at times. Satan knows this. Satan uses these struggles to keep me at the stop sign. But what good am I at a stop sign? What good are any of us at a stop sign? All we do is leave stain after stain in the lives of others as we sit idle. The key is in the ignition and the car is in drive ready to go, but our foot is strongly pressing against the break. No. It is too hard. Satan holds our hand to keep our foot on the break with lie after lie. You aren't good enough. Your past is too screwed up. The choices you made are who you are. Nothing can change. There is no hope. Just stay here with me.
     It is time for us to follow Jesus' example and say, "Away from me Satan!"
     It is time for us to stand up as Christians in our own lives and not allow the world to stop us from doing what we know is right. We need to start taking offense to others ultimately asking us to closet our faith. We need to stop throwing Jesus in other's faces that do not believe as we do and simply live with love in our hearts, actions and words. We need to let God be God while we live out the command of love as best we know how with the help of the Holy Spirit, example after example of Jesus and the steadfast prayer to God.
If He can multiply fish
and bread, He can
multiply this! (Luke 9:16)
     We all want to be comfortable, but is comfort the picture of Satan over our shoulder breathing words of lies in our ear comfortable? Our world is not safe if those that believe in the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ put God in the background. We need to call on our Lord and Savior to redeem this place we call home. We need to pick our foot up and off the brake to courageously step on the gas pedal to move forward for Christ. Jesus taught us to follow the ways of the Bible, not the ways of the world that is becoming more and more filled with hatred, hurt and darkness. We need to turn our lights on and shine for Christ. Even if all we have to shine is a nightlight. God can use it. He can turn our nightlights into floodlights, but we have to brazenly flip the switch.
     Father, we pray our small steps of boldness and faith would multiply within us to take bigger and bolder steps. Lord, I pray more people want your love and acceptance because of our acts of obedience. May we be courageous enough to shine our lights outside of church walls to be multiplied and made great in your name. God thank you for loving us just the way we are and using our brokenness to reach and love others. Thank you for your Son Jesus. Amen.

Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"
Then the devil left him, and the angels came and attended him. - Matthew 4:10-11

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. - John 13:34-35

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