Monday, May 2, 2016

Thankful Heart

Turning another year older last week made me think…knowing when my parents welcomed me into the world, I wonder when God created everything about me. As His creation, I think of how proud He must have been to see me in the arms of my parents as an infant. I can’t help but think about the disappointment He must feel when I mess up and make poor choices to let Him down. What about the times I walked down a path without God?

Instead of living in shame, I have to live for today.
Most Mondays I sit at my desk and work on the next blog post, but my birthday was different. I didn’t originally plan the day to be unlike any ordinary Monday just because it was my birthday, but my daughter approached me wanting to spend her day off from school with her great grand parents. Although I planned a visit with them later in the week and knew I would not be able to write, I could not deny her of this desire. When I called my grandmother with the change of plans, she was elated at the thought of spending the day with us so new plans were made.

Each time I visit my grand parents, my grandpa has a little more life in him with a little more to say and more happy chuckles to go with his smiles. This day was different. He was not happy despite our visit and he did not speak with happy chuckles or smiles. Determined to have a good day and get his smiles back, we decided to get him out the house to eat at one of his favorite restaurants. Lunch with my mom, sister and kids was just what he needed to lift his spirits and the food satisfied his appetite.

Because of my grandpa’s recent fall, they had not been to eat in a while and the staff noticed the void from their hungry visits.  When their routine waitress heard of his fall, her expression and kind words showed the heartbreak she felt. “I’ll bring food to you! Just stay well,” she repeated as she refilled his drink.  When it was time to head back to the house, my grandmother seemed to take longer than usual to pay her bill. I walked around the corner to check on her and noticed she was surrounded by support and love from several of the staff showing true friendship. The kindness seemed to keep coming. As we packed up and began to make our way to the door, the owner came from behind the scenes to pat my grandpa on the back and tell him how he was missed.

I am thankful my grandparents are more than just two old people who have frequented their restaurant tables for years. Had we let him sit in the chair growing an impression from his body, he would have missed out on his gifts for the day and remained a grumpy old man feeling no special love.

God’s love was ever present. He used everyday people to go above and beyond their job description to display His love. Thankfully my heart was focused to see His blessings.

Back home, my grandmother and son played as they always do with laughs, excited tones and joyous movements. Purposefully creating moments for my kids to have the opportunity to grow a relationship with their great grand parents always results in a gift, but to see my grandpa leave his chair to occupy the chair outside was indeed a priceless gift my heart will never forget. With shaky hands, he placed each car carefully onto the ramp and watched it race down with a car my son placed next to his. When both cars crashed to the ground below, cheers and laughs filled the atmosphere each time as if it was the first only to be repeated time and time again.

 Just as I remember as a child...with bees and all to scare
me away, but the beauty kept bringing me back. 
As the day came to an end, my daughter and I sat eating the cake she baked for me as we went through the pictures she’d taken throughout the day. Some were of the moments described, others of their house I once called home. Seeing the beauty of each photo and the way she highlighted objects surrounding my grand parents home collected visual reminders of memories to instantly bring comfort and wholeness to my already thankful heart.

All of these gifts could have easily been missed if I told my daughter no and stuck to the planned schedules. Each touch of grace would have gone unnoticed or devalued had I not been focused on God. Learning the true meaning of Godly living, I tried a new approach to focus my thoughts away from things seeming normal to the world.  As a result, my eyes have been open to so many blessings once overlooked.

I don’t want to be a disappointment to God. When I loose focus on Him, I loose focus on what really matters. Desire to have what is out of reach, gets me into trouble every time. So often I get bogged down wishing for more time in my day to complete necessary chores, exercise, properly prepare my son for kindergarten, write perfect words, help my daughter meet her full potential, support my husband and love them all well. I wish I had more clothes, better shoes, resources to finish decorating my house to complete each room to match my vision and on and on. Although some of these are good to focus on, others aren’t. I allow frustration, lack of patience, worldly desires and perfection cloud true perspectives. Being thankful clears a cloudy heart and rests with God’s love.

I want to make God proud and smile because He blesses me well; therefore, I have to be mindful there is always someone watching me because God is.

Lord, quiet our distractions to shift focus on today only - to leave our shame in the past and be thankful for what we have today. Help us to see what is not needed in our life and blocks our view of your majesty. Guide us to turning our focus away from costly desires requiring hours of planning and the need for perfection. Create in us the desire to love Jesus out loud because we overflow with thankfulness. Thank you for the cross making this all possible. It is in Jesus perfect name we pray. Amen.

“I knew you before you formed in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” –Jeremiah 1:4-5 (NLT)

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it. –Psalm 139:14 (NLT)

For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. –Job 33:4 (NLT)

We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. – 1 John 4:16 (NLT)

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