Monday, October 10, 2016

Power of Prayer

Diane sat idle in the parking lot watching people go inside. Families big and small, friends and couples all entered as though they belonged. But Diane was alone and sensed every bit of her seclusion. Full of leeriness, she had every intention of driving back home, but knew it was wrong. With a deep breath and closed eyes, she turned the car off and made her way inside. Her lack of comfort imagined every eye on her with accompanied whispers of the sad truth she had come alone.

When the service was over, she felt a little proud of herself for not driving back home, but was afraid of how her feelings would shift after being at home. She could hear the annoying sounds that immediately drove her frustration into overdrive as she walked toward the house. Opening the door intensified her feelings of disgust.


Beer cans were everywhere. In slow motion, chips flew into the air and onto her living room floor. The cat scurried out of the room in fear much like Diane. Her arrival went unnoticed so sneaking away to the bedroom was easy. Just as she had predicted, her heart was filled with hopelessness and frustration. She longed for more but it seemed impossible. If her husband was not traveling, he was engrossed in all things sports. She missed him and wanted to do little things like go to church together. Weighted by the difference in how she felt in church and how she felt in her home fed her misery. Disconnect from her feelings on church verses Richard’s created her void of joy.

~  ~  ~  ~

Diane’s phone rang. She excused herself from the office and made her way down the hall.
“Hi. My name is Susie McNeal. May I please speak with Diane?”
“This is Diane.”
“Hi Diane! I am from church. The information card you submitted shows you have started to come to our church. I wanted to let you know we are so happy to have you.”
“That is very kind of you. I do enjoy coming on Sundays.”
“Wonderful to hear! Listen Diane, do you have anyone praying for you?”

Diane never really thought about it. She didn’t grow up in church to learn about prayer or have relationships with people that prayed for each other.

“No, not really.”
“Well we have a group of ladies here at church that love to pray all day long.”

She chuckled as Diane tried to make it to an empty room so no one could hear her conversation.

“Can we pray for you?”
“Sure. I guess.”
“How can the Lord help you hunny?”

Standing as if she was guarding the door, Diane stood alone in the break room with the smells of burnt coffee filling the room. Without even thinking about it, she began to whisper.

“My husband could really use some prayer. He doesn’t come with me to church. I really miss him and wish he would come…we don’t seem to connect anymore.”
“Diane, I am sorry to hear that, but I can guarantee you we will be praying. This is not too big for God. You keep coming on Sundays and look for me if you need a friend. We will keep praying and God is going to do something awesome in your husband. What’s his name?
“Okay Diane. Don’t you worry! You have my number, use it anytime!”
“That’s very kind of you. Thank you.”

She hung up after sharing parting words and began to walk back to her desk. She had never experienced anything like this phone call and although a little weirded out by the fact she just told a complete stranger her most personal bit of information, she felt loved by this woman she didn’t even know. It was comforting and strange at the same time.

Months later, the reminder of meeting prayer Susie on the phone came out of the blue and as complete shock when she overheard Richard’s phone conversation.

“Man, it was the weirdest thing! This guy came out of nowhere and asked me if I had a Bible…
…I know…
…Yeah that and if I had a place to go to church…
…No! I practically ran to my car and drove away as fast as I could.”

Diane thought to herself, “Could this be Susie?” She felt curious and a little foolish when she tried to piece together what was happening. Unable to make sense of it, she did not mention it to Richard. He was indeed skeptical of the confrontation, but shrugged it off as nerdy and prepared for his next business trip. Oddly enough, half way through his trip, he was exhausted from meeting after meeting and decided to skip dinner. It was unlike Richard to miss a night of unwinding with colleagues, but went back to the hotel and slept.

In the middle of the night, Richard woke up. He stood out of bed and stretched his arms into the air. He glanced back at the bed and noticed he was still asleep and still in bed. Without thinking twice about being awake while asleep, he made his way out the door. But nothing looked familiar after opening his door into what should have been the fancy carpeted hallway. Instead, he was already outside in the middle of the most obscure landscape. As he looked around to find something or someone familiar, he turned in all directions with nowhere to go. Just as he began to feel the panic of being lost, he heard a voice calling his name. “Richard” Without thinking, he began to walk in the direction of the unyielding tone clearly articulating his name over and over again. Unaware as to where he was going, he continued to follow the invisible pursuit. Without any thought of giving up or turning back around, he began to run as he felt the call more urgently. Suddenly he was no longer alone. Just as he rounded the last corner he could see a silhouette of a man holding out his hands to lead him up a long set of concrete stairs. When he got closer to the distinguished figure he automatically recognized the man as the guy offering him a Bible in the parking lot. This time he was not menaced by his presence, but comforted by him. He no longer felt lost. He joined hands with the man and walked up the stairs. Richard seemed to lose his breath when he noticed he was being led to Diane’s church. With an unaccustomed and unexpected natural inclination, Richard entered the building. His heart sad. The man walked him directly to Diane sitting alone in the pew. Richard could tell by the look on her face - she sat in humiliation and with much heartache. He reached out to comfort her, but she did not feel his touch. Frightened by the thought she could not see him, Richard looked up for the man. But he could not find him and felt automatic panic set in. Just then, the familiar stranger walked by as if he never left and said, “Do not be afraid. I will not leave you.”

Don't be afraid of an unfamiliar
path God calls you down.
Sweat and tears plummeted down his face. He sat up with bed with panic and looked around the dark room. It was just a dream…was that God? The message was clear. The conviction carved in his mind. He grabbed his phone to call Diane, but noticed it was 3 am. He did not want to wake her. He paced the hotel floor in scared amazement of his parking lot encounter followed by this dream. Unable to sleep, he readied himself for work and headed into the office. The next days a blur, fixated on the calling from his dream directly related to the ignored calling in his life, he ended his trip early. Sunday morning he boarded a plane with an excited distress. He wanted to make it in time to sit next to Diane in church. When the plane landed, his leg consistently bounced into the air with an impatient desire. No way would his beloved sit alone again in that pew. When the path of people cleared, he ran.


Diane was already at church. The music began as she sat alone – still uncomfortable and lonely. Holding her hands in her lap with no one by her side to hold. Her head held low.

Richard flew into the church, luggage flying behind him. Stopping to collect composure, he parked his bags in a corner and walked toward Diane. He sat softly and looked at the sad girl from his dream. Putting his hand over hers he whispered, “I’m here.”

Never underestimate the power of prayer!

Jesus is our perfect example. In every way we can learn from His time on earth. He too prayed for others. Despite what He had going on (preparing for His death to save us all) and the fact He was God Himself, Jesus knew the importance of intercessory prayer. Learn from Jesus. Pray for others. It will intensify your closeness with your Heavenly Father in ways you never imagined or dreamed possible.

Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth. I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one – as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. –John 17:18-21 (NLT)

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
 -Romans 12:12 (NLT)

He walked away, about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” –Luke 22:41-42 (NLT)

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