Friday, December 30, 2016

New Year Resolution

Celebrating the New Year is not for me. The normal traditions are not my cup of tea and the short lived superficial fixes on life are the same year after year. I don’t understand why identical changes are desired with new expectations over and over again. Each year, they are very likely to be temporary with little to no effect.

After the fireworks and celebration,
commit to a different kind of resolution.
There is one change I encourage you to commit to in the coming New Year. A resolution promising lasting results for the coming year and all those following. This year, I encourage you to nurture your soul. Feed it. Protect it. Exercise it.

Although our soul is not a body part studied in anatomy class, it is very real and we all have one. When it is hurt, it cannot be seen with x-rays or scans. There is no medicine to digest to help it heal. When it is hungry, we cannot satisfy it with food for our body. It can’t be touched by human hand nor will any secular patch repair a hole in our soul. All of these things make it difficult for some to believe they, or any of us, have a soul.

The Bible tells us we do indeed have a Spirit inside us - a soul that will live forever. Ecclesiastes 12:7 tells us our bodies will return as dust to the earth as it was when God created man. But our souls! Our souls can return to God who gave us life. How we live our life will determine the outcome of our soul’s eternity. So why brush off what will last even after our bodies die?

It is easy to do. We cannot see our soul when we look in the mirror. Feeding the soul is not easy. It does not make many schedules because the world does not highlight the importance of a nurtured soul. Making it even easier to backburner, that which feeds the soul is also invisible. The Holy Spirit does not have an audible voice, reading the Bible requires intentionality that often times turns into confusion and prayer is a communication outlet to our Heavenly Father with silent responses. His responses are there, but we have to learn to listen for what is not audible making it easy to feel as though we get nothing from it all.

I used to think because I loved God and asked Jesus into my heart, things would automatically start changing. But nothing happened beyond the great feeling of love, acceptance and belonging. My circumstances and relationships did not change. It was as if my God was busted or something. Truth is, I did not know how to nurture my soul. I was not feeding, protecting or exercising what I had accepted into my life.   

The process of jumping over the hurdle of the world to experience more from God took me years to learn and many more will be needed to achieve master status. (If that is even a thing). Not because of who God is, but because I am learning to navigate through two opposing sides: what I think to be right verses what God wants me to accept as right. Learning how the roles of intentionality, compliance and application all come together to work toward my nurtured soul has been life changing and helped me with this battle.

Intentionality of spending time with God is often times misleading to seem unattainable or unrealistic in a person’s daily routine. Some people seem to have achieved master status and block out an entire hour to spend with God. Even more, they wake up like an hour before the sun to do so. Understand being intentional, like any new habit begins small and over time, it grows. It will be necessary to feed your soul. For example, in the morning before looking at your texts, emails or social media, turn to an app with daily scripture. You are already on your device so there is no big change to be made.

What you choose to look at is where the intentional change comes in. What are you looking at, reading or watching to fill the first thoughts of your day, when you have a break, when you are alone in your car or when you lay your head down at night? Introducing scripture into your life when no one can see will be greatly blessed and multiplied.

Compliance is yielding or submitting to what you are reading and learning so you conform and act in accordance with God’s Word. In doing so, you become more and more similar to Him. Young children often times will do everything they can to be just like dad. They try to find clothes of their own, or perhaps put on dad’s to look like him. To make sure dad sees, they will go to him and mimic his every move. They will copy facial expressions, movements and speech because they want to be like their father. They think very highly of him because of what they know of him and because he loves them well.

We should comply with God in the same way to protect our soul. Things learned because of our intentionality would include what you acquire from worship and sermons experienced at church, alone time with God reading His Word and paying attention to the ever so quiet, but present nudges from the Holy Spirit. The more you know, the more you are able to imitate Him. We are the greatest threat to our souls because we are the ones that feed it. Complying with God will protect us from ourselves.

Application is putting it all into practice. By exercising your soul, you are applying what you are learning. Applying a mimic of Christ to your daily situations, circumstances and relationships. It is not acting how you are used to reacting, rather carrying on with a demeanor mirroring Christ no matter what comes your way. Not holding on to your emotion, but imitating the nature of God’s emotion. This is probably the most difficult role to incorporate into your life. Just like exercise is hard work for the body, the soul will reap great reward and results beyond your wildest thoughts because you are allowing God to work in your life. Without application, intentionality and compliance is all for nothing.

Ultimately, you are allowing the Spirit of God speak the truths of the Lord into your soul and yield to His authority because you learn it is better than yours. Begin to listen to your spirit that is fed by the Holy Spirit. Allow your soul to guide your heart and mind through the hardest of situations and most unhealthy relationships. Give God permission to change and mold you.  

So, how do you connect your soul with the Holy Spirit? Even harder, how do you connect your Holy Spirit fed soul with your mind and actions? Your heart will almost naturally follow your soul; however, our minds are more cautious and slow to comply with application. It will play hard to get because it knows better.

There is a familiar saying by the French physician, Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. What he said in 1826 is true to the body and the spirit. “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Over the years, the saying has adapted to “you are what you eat.”

When your soul is spiritually fed by the Word of God, exercised by your willingness and nurtured by the Holy Spirit, it becomes who you are. Your words are more kind. Your disposition carries grace around more readily and accessible. Your inclinations and tendencies are more reflective of Jesus. I’m not exactly sure how God does it. I have prayed God would take anger out of my heart and over time, I cannot find the anger that once harvested in me to drive my actions, words and thoughts. God really does do the hardest work for us. We may not always able to explain or define it. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It means His ways are beyond what our mind can comprehend. Believe me. This is a very good thing. The way God has collated things in my life is beyond astonishing. The more I wait for Him, respond to Him and learn about Him, the more breathtaking the process becomes.

You have to find what works for you and go with it. I have learned the more Bible studies I complete focused on teaching the Word of God, I better understand and am able to read the Bible and achieve understanding on my own. But sitting down and reading the Bible is not always possible in my days or in situations I struggle to find peace and discernment. So I quite often listen to worship music. I listen to it in the car, when I work out, when I get ready, when I clean – all the time! Not every song speaks to my soul, but it does keep my mind focused more on God to help me be more of the woman God has designed me to be. Some songs have a way of getting straight into my soul each time I hear them.

Horatio Spafford’s words speak directly to my spirit with the song “It is Well with My Soul.” I used to think something was wrong with my faith and worship to the Lord because my hands do not raise when I worship in public or private settings. My eyes close. So that my soul can concentrate, I close my eyes to shut out distraction and let the music and words feed my spirit. When this particular song comes on when I am driving, it is kind of a bad combination because I really have a hard time listening to this song with open eyes. My soul hungers for good worship music. Each time one embraces my soul, my eyes close and my body sways because I am in the presence of God. No matter my surroundings or location, God meets my intentionality and willingness to let Him in.

This year, find what speaks to your soul. Embrace it, fall into it. Let God take you away from pain, stress and anxiety and allow your soul to fall into the arms of God. He is a better remedy than anything of this world. His perfect love will make you better, your situations less traumatic and your surroundings more enjoyable.

Think of prayer as a conversation between you and the closest person in your life. Someone you can tell anything and everything. Talk to God as if you were talking to that person. It does not have to be words from scripture or those eloquently spoken of a pastor. God wants you to speak to Him. Just the way you are: your words, your thoughts, your desires and emotion. He wants it all. He wants you. Just the way you are. You do not have to change for Him before you let Him change you. Start with prayer. Ask Him for a desire to be intentional, a heart of compliance and a will for application.

God please meet each reader right where they are with what they have to offer. Multiply their efforts and bless their soul for the attempt to mimic you more and more each day. Guide their path to protect them from evil as they turn more toward good. May they feel your love, acceptance and reassurance of hope. Thank you Father for your Son Jesus. It is in Jesus redeeming name I pray. Amen.

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. –Romans 8:5-6

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Song

My family has a tradition of celebrating Christmas the weekend before Christmas Day. We call the special gathering Meme’s Christmas, although we no longer meet in her home. Many things were much the same this year. Family arrived with their family, gifts, food, smiles and hugs. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to attend although more made it this year than last. The most treasured guest was my grandfather. Papaw’s health has kept him away in the past. His attendance was a definite answer to prayer.

Everyone expected had arrived and we were ready to dig into the highlighted meal of the day, but one thing was missing. Meme! We were gathered for Meme’s Christmas. We couldn’t eat without her. It just didn’t seem right. Different conversations were shared with the same topic. Where is Meme!

After asked so many times, the question began to answer in unison. In true Meme fashion, she forgot her hearing aids and had to go all the way back home for them. So we waited. And waited.

Finally she arrived. Some clapped. Others just shouted, “Let’s eat!”

So we did. We gathered around the tables with our plates as we caught up and cracked jokes. With full bellies, we moved the party into the living room to open gifts. Meme just loves to take time and watch each child open the gift - one at a time. Mostly the dads grow annoyed with how long it takes. She hushes her boys as if they there were children and they kinda sorta comply as if there were still a child.

I like to watch the joy take over Meme’s composure. All of her is happy because she misses each and every person so much throughout the year. Each night she lays in bed and prays individually for her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. How great is that! Prayers from a mother who knows of the love of Jesus and is thankful for the guidance the Lord has displayed over her life.

A couple of days prior to the Christmas celebration, I spoke with Meme on the phone. She spoke with a smile.

“I wrote a song!”
With a surprised smile on my face, I replied. “What! Meme, did you really write a song?”
“Yes I did! It is not like ones you are used to, but I wrote it…and…I like it.”

Before gray hair, both Meme and Papaw played guitar and sang. I love to hear these stories when they both reminisce the old days. For Meme to write a song so many years later was special and she didn’t write just any song. She wrote a Christmas song. Words to describe her joy and thankfulness for Jesus and family.

Even more impressive, each and every one of us gathered around Meme, standing center stage, to sing her song. A song we had never heard, we all sang in our best shower voice. I’m not sure what your family does for Christmas, but never in all the memories I have compiled have we ever gathered in a room and sang a song – a cappella!

Because everyone loves Meme so much and was so proud of her, the moment she thought of and worked for came true. With my grandfather sitting in the same room, I can’t imagine the significance the memory holds for both of them. All the mistakes they’ve made, regrets they have from parenthood, coupled with the sadness and frustration from Papaw’s failing health didn’t matter in that moment.

Because the leader of the family spent intentional and personal time with God to prepare for this occasion, our family was led in a time of remembering Jesus as the reason for our celebration. Her song was not about snow or bells. It was not about cookies and pie. It was about being a happy family because Jesus Christ was born with love for all the world.

Some of us have not had a good year. My family has suffered from a death, job loss, hospital stays, money troubles, parenting challenges and marital trials. But in that moment, everyone was able to share in a little bit of joy.

If not for Jesus, the death in our family would have been unmanageable. The unwanted incidents, financial and relational struggles are all real. They have created much havoc and chaos to bring anger and sadness, but the love of God surpasses any heartache we have experienced. God’s love provides hope because of His true and perfect gift. Jesus Christ.

May the light of God's
indescribable gift shine all year.
No matter how dark your days, sad your heart or depressing your circumstances, allow the power of God to soak into your soul. We are not a perfect family, but a little intentionality goes a long way and can show so much of God’s love.

I pray God’s profound affection and purpose would touch you personally so you too close your eyes in gratitude in moments of joy. Accept the greatest gift there is to receive.


Accept His love. Apply His love. Multiply it. Don’t waste it. We celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas time, but His love and redemptive power is not put away and stored in a box until next Christmas. The power in His name is holy beyond the times Christmas songs are sung. He is alive and working each and everyday. I pray each person reading these words is captivated by Jesus as much as I am.

God, my life would be ruined if not for you. Thank you for sending the angel to Mary to let her in on your plan to save the world. Thank you for loving her so well, she followed you faithfully. I am thankful for the way you loved Joseph through his times of uncertainty. God, guide our steps of faithfulness past our uncertainty so we too can further your Kingdom and live in your ways. Help us to live each of our days to make the words in Christmas songs mean something beyond the time of year we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Help us to be good this year so the sacrifices of Jesus’ life don’t fall void in our life. I love you so much God. I am in awe of the way you love me. Please help those who suffer from human tragedy see your beauty. May they share in the majesty of your indescribable gift so the awful actions of others do not taint your true identity. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus. May the coming year bring eternal life to many. It is in Jesus redemptive name I pray. Amen.

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

-2 Corinthians 9:15 (NIV)

Monday, December 12, 2016


She rubs her fingers back and forth as she sits and listens to the topic of motherhood being discussed. Her hope of having a child has vanished after trying for many years. Even after turning to adoption, her baby has not yet arrived. No one will know of her pain because she sits in silence. Alone in a room full of other women, she holds her hands tightly to prevent the tears from cascading down her face without ceasing. Afraid in her pain, she remains alone as she goes unnoticed.

~  ~  ~

Sitting with his classmates, the little boy focused his attention on the teacher introducing sign language to the class. With excitement he held his hands in front of him and moved his fingers as best he could to mimic the teacher. She moved from word to word before demonstrating the sign for Dad. With a sad disposition, his hands fell to his lap. He did not know his Dad. He did not know what it was like for all the other boys and girls to have their hands high and proud to sign for the man that hugged and kissed them before sleep each night. His idle hands brought attention to him for not participating. With his heart crushed, laughter followed the teacher’s correction. His pain singled him out and made him feel less than everyone around him.

~  ~  ~

Often, pain goes unnoticed and is added to from our anxieties, fears or simply not knowing how to move past the pain. The mix of feelings is hard to control. As life continues to move along, our mind attempts to keep up with circling circumstances and we feel like we are playing dodge ball. If we are hit one more time, we aren’t sure we will be able to keep it all together. Our broken spirit may rage within us to allow our emotion to demonstrate outwardly with anger for all to see.  

We move so fast trying to avoid our own pain often times, we miss the pain in others to unintentionally increase their sadness and provoke our own. Or worse, we remain frozen in our own little world, unresponsive to any signs of help or other’s attempts to make us feel better.

Take the woman longing for a child. Her desires have isolated her. So much so, she is fearful to ask for help in a room full of women who can probably relate to her. Not only did she and others capable of helping miss out on an opportunity, she opened herself to unintentional and avoidable pain of hearing others describe the joys of motherhood she can’t experience. She is likely to fault the other women and perhaps miss out on a meaningful relationship.

The poor child without a father at such a young age feels rejection, inadequate and unloved. Because the one person he wants to show him love and attention is void from his life, he will make others feel as horrible as he feels with inappropriate talk and actions. With all the odds against him from a problem he can’t control, how is he to do any good in a single day or worse, his life?


No pain is greater than the power of Jesus. His compassion blankets the brokenhearted as His love seeps into each crack that has split the broken heart. Pain and damage unseen to us is completely visible to Jesus. But how does His redeeming power reach the hopeless, guilt filled men and women and innocent little boys and girls?


We each have our own pain – pain that is not unique. Our pain tells a good story and sometimes could even be a great manuscript for the big screen, but no story is finished until it has experienced the hand of Jesus. Until it has His fingerprints of divine redemption, it is incomplete. There is more to be written. The plot has not even begun to twist because the Author of Good has not been written in. He is our expert and we need to write Jesus into any story we can. Allowing Jesus to work and edit the script is what every sad, hopeless and anger filled story needs. Compassion. Grace. Peace. Forgiveness.

Where do you come in? You have the ability and opportunity to use your pain to relate to the hurting by sharing your story and introducing them to the kindness of Jesus. Guide them toward compassion, grace and forgiveness. Encourage them to open up, despite their fears and anxieties. Give them a safe opportunity to say what hurts out loud and audaciously ask for help from others who understand. Most importantly, you can teach them to pray to the God who redeems. Inspire Godly and righteous change because you too have had to make changes in your life moving past the grizzliest of guilt and maneuver through the most unlikely circumstances. Begin a movement of love because you know what it is like to feel unappreciated, unwanted and rejected.

I am not talking about starting a church or leading a new ministry in the one you already attend. If only another woman would have seen the nervous hands and gently sat beside the woman to personally engage with her and alleviate the hindrance of the group setting. If only the little boy had a teacher who showed him a little extra love while the others played at recess and she remembered him in her daily prayers. Or better yet, what if another child was taught to love and noticed his new friend needed someone to invite him over to play? Sometimes it is as easy as paying a little extra attention and being a little more intentional to demonstrate the compassion and love of Jesus.

Start at home with the ones you love. Acknowledge their pain as a real struggle they face daily. Open room for true conversations with humble and grace filled responses lacking judgment. Be kind to those you share hallways with beyond your home. Pray and ask God for opportunities to share His Word with others. In that same prayer, ask God to open your willingness to be used by Him so your hurts may be further healed while others begin healing because of your steps of faithfulness. Ask God that they too will reach out to others experiencing pain so an abundance of lost and hurting people experience the acceptance, understanding and redemptive hand of God.

If you are the hurting, pray God would send someone to you who is looking for someone to share God’s love with.

God you are so very good to us. Please help us to apply you more in the places you seem muted. Encourage us not to sit idle in our pain. Help us to see past faults or differences hindering us to respect others as a child of God suffering from the same fallen world. For all those who don’t yet know you, I pray the words and boldness of your followers would speak loud and follow the movements of your Spirit so more and more people would know your true love. It is in Jesus redeeming name I pray. Amen.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” –Matthew 11:28