Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Song

My family has a tradition of celebrating Christmas the weekend before Christmas Day. We call the special gathering Meme’s Christmas, although we no longer meet in her home. Many things were much the same this year. Family arrived with their family, gifts, food, smiles and hugs. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to attend although more made it this year than last. The most treasured guest was my grandfather. Papaw’s health has kept him away in the past. His attendance was a definite answer to prayer.

Everyone expected had arrived and we were ready to dig into the highlighted meal of the day, but one thing was missing. Meme! We were gathered for Meme’s Christmas. We couldn’t eat without her. It just didn’t seem right. Different conversations were shared with the same topic. Where is Meme!

After asked so many times, the question began to answer in unison. In true Meme fashion, she forgot her hearing aids and had to go all the way back home for them. So we waited. And waited.

Finally she arrived. Some clapped. Others just shouted, “Let’s eat!”

So we did. We gathered around the tables with our plates as we caught up and cracked jokes. With full bellies, we moved the party into the living room to open gifts. Meme just loves to take time and watch each child open the gift - one at a time. Mostly the dads grow annoyed with how long it takes. She hushes her boys as if they there were children and they kinda sorta comply as if there were still a child.

I like to watch the joy take over Meme’s composure. All of her is happy because she misses each and every person so much throughout the year. Each night she lays in bed and prays individually for her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. How great is that! Prayers from a mother who knows of the love of Jesus and is thankful for the guidance the Lord has displayed over her life.

A couple of days prior to the Christmas celebration, I spoke with Meme on the phone. She spoke with a smile.

“I wrote a song!”
With a surprised smile on my face, I replied. “What! Meme, did you really write a song?”
“Yes I did! It is not like ones you are used to, but I wrote it…and…I like it.”

Before gray hair, both Meme and Papaw played guitar and sang. I love to hear these stories when they both reminisce the old days. For Meme to write a song so many years later was special and she didn’t write just any song. She wrote a Christmas song. Words to describe her joy and thankfulness for Jesus and family.

Even more impressive, each and every one of us gathered around Meme, standing center stage, to sing her song. A song we had never heard, we all sang in our best shower voice. I’m not sure what your family does for Christmas, but never in all the memories I have compiled have we ever gathered in a room and sang a song – a cappella!

Because everyone loves Meme so much and was so proud of her, the moment she thought of and worked for came true. With my grandfather sitting in the same room, I can’t imagine the significance the memory holds for both of them. All the mistakes they’ve made, regrets they have from parenthood, coupled with the sadness and frustration from Papaw’s failing health didn’t matter in that moment.

Because the leader of the family spent intentional and personal time with God to prepare for this occasion, our family was led in a time of remembering Jesus as the reason for our celebration. Her song was not about snow or bells. It was not about cookies and pie. It was about being a happy family because Jesus Christ was born with love for all the world.

Some of us have not had a good year. My family has suffered from a death, job loss, hospital stays, money troubles, parenting challenges and marital trials. But in that moment, everyone was able to share in a little bit of joy.

If not for Jesus, the death in our family would have been unmanageable. The unwanted incidents, financial and relational struggles are all real. They have created much havoc and chaos to bring anger and sadness, but the love of God surpasses any heartache we have experienced. God’s love provides hope because of His true and perfect gift. Jesus Christ.

May the light of God's
indescribable gift shine all year.
No matter how dark your days, sad your heart or depressing your circumstances, allow the power of God to soak into your soul. We are not a perfect family, but a little intentionality goes a long way and can show so much of God’s love.

I pray God’s profound affection and purpose would touch you personally so you too close your eyes in gratitude in moments of joy. Accept the greatest gift there is to receive.


Accept His love. Apply His love. Multiply it. Don’t waste it. We celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas time, but His love and redemptive power is not put away and stored in a box until next Christmas. The power in His name is holy beyond the times Christmas songs are sung. He is alive and working each and everyday. I pray each person reading these words is captivated by Jesus as much as I am.

God, my life would be ruined if not for you. Thank you for sending the angel to Mary to let her in on your plan to save the world. Thank you for loving her so well, she followed you faithfully. I am thankful for the way you loved Joseph through his times of uncertainty. God, guide our steps of faithfulness past our uncertainty so we too can further your Kingdom and live in your ways. Help us to live each of our days to make the words in Christmas songs mean something beyond the time of year we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Help us to be good this year so the sacrifices of Jesus’ life don’t fall void in our life. I love you so much God. I am in awe of the way you love me. Please help those who suffer from human tragedy see your beauty. May they share in the majesty of your indescribable gift so the awful actions of others do not taint your true identity. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus. May the coming year bring eternal life to many. It is in Jesus redemptive name I pray. Amen.

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

-2 Corinthians 9:15 (NIV)


  1. My darling dearest is not with me this year. In quite moments I grieve for him. It does not overwhelm me though for I know it was his time to go and that he is with the Father. I will never forget last year's Christmas at Meme's as it was his last. He had such a good time. Meme's Christmas is special in so many ways. Thank you for capturing it in written word.

  2. You are most welcome.
    Thank you for reading.
